TkPasMan is looking for a maintainer!
As I am now a spoiled KDE and KWallet user, I do not use TkPasMan myself anymore. It would be very nice if someone would like to take over maintainership. Please contact me if you would like to do so.
TkPasMan 2.2b (stable)
TkPasMan is een programma om de wachtwoorden die je overal verzamelt (websites, mailing lists e.d.) bij te houden. Geïnspireerd door gpasman, maar met meer "plak" mogelijkheden. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld direct achter elkaar username en dan password plakken. TkPasMan is geschreven in Tcl/Tk.
English: TkPasMan is a simple program that lets you store usernames and passwords you collect during access to forums, mailing lists, and other websites. It is inspired by gpasman, but it has more paste possibilities. You can for example just paste username and then password, in two mouse clicks. TkPasMan relies on Tcl/Tk 8.3.

tar zxf TkPasMan-2.2b.tar.gz cd TkPasMan-2.2b/ make su -c 'make install'
tkpasman &
Meer informatie:
- Projects Directory. Voor oudere versies.
- ChangeLog
What others say:
I received some very nice email messages :-) :
I intend to continue developing TkPasMan It would be very nice if TkPasMan were developed further, adding some new
features (organize entries in tree structure, save more
parameters like URLs, password generation (using pwgen), full
console support, option to automaticcally disable dynamic selection,
global lock on password entry window, onscreen keyboard to click
the password on so characters can't be sniffed, add Undo, better
keyboard navigation, multiple password files,
internationalisation, tooltips, GNUPG encryption support, etc.)
Laatste update: ma apr 28 16:36:56 CEST 2003