How does Windows2000 compare?

Competitive Comparisons

Read about the strengths of the Open Source GNU/Linux Operating System against this competitor

Thousands of Compatible Applications

Because every Server Dedicated GNU/Linux distribution includes the mature, aggressively peer reviewed and world-wide supported and developed Linux Kernel, plus the highly preferred GNU utilities, several SQL Servers like PostGreSQL and MySQL, plus several Internet-ready mail solutions like Sendmail (that already handles around 70% of the Internet e-mail), exim, postfix or qmail, and the World's #1 Web Server, Apache, there are thousands of compatible applications available on top of this fully open, standards-based, operating system.

Even very heavily marketed operating system offerings of companies such as Microsoft will struggle versus GNU/Linux in terms of real application choices available to run on them.

Better Integration and Ease of Use-Stronger Long-term Buy

While some Windows offerings may look like they are free, because they are sold pre-installed, the use of it is far from free because a rollout will take out very much administrator time due to the great amount of little, intentional incompatibilities of the Windows operating system, the lack of real standards support, consistent standards for simple things like Office documents, and the lack of any real customer choice regarding applications.

Meanwhile, every GNU/Linux install delivers full-featured, Internet-ready functionality and better ease of use (by being fully open and standards-based) for both customers and technology providers right out of the box. Plus, all of the applications delivered in GNU/Linux are fully customizable and integrated to enable a unified setup that's efficient and predictable, as well as centralized management capabilities.

The familiar, POSIX- and UNIX98-compliant operating system interface contributes to the ease of integration in exsisting, dedicated networks. Many free user interfases for easy installation and management of the server are available.

Popular, Reliable Platform-Less Risk

Windows is a closed-source operating system with a severely limited (only one single) company-based support. The closed nature of the product means that many Windows deployments are vulnerable to the same bugs and exploits, due to the various solution pieces that Microsoft chose to buy together. Thus, a small-business customer becomes very highly reliant on one single technology provider who designs and implements the Windows-based network. If that technology provider is not available to continue to privide support (like with Windows NT 4.0), or chooses to walk a different road with inherent new incompatibilities, there is not likely to be another provider who can easily step in and have the knowledge to take over support of that fully intransparant, closed-source network.

Greater Depth of Channel Support

Because GNU/Linux is built after the very mature and proved UNIX model, there are many thousands of talented, certified technology consultants who have the skills and expertise to implement and maintain any fully custom-built network. Because Windows still represents an immature and fragmented (different incompatible Windows versions) market with limited company-based support, it lacks the same depth of channel expertise. This can make it difficult for small-business customers to find qualified technology providers who can support the ever changing, closed Windows-based systems. This also makes it problematical for technology providers to find qualified employees without only obsoleted Windows expertise.

Keeps Pace with New Technology

The open-source nature of Linux means that the company lacks a centralized strategy for being locked-in to proprietairy extensions and implementations of emerging technologies and hardware. Instead, as soon as new technologies emerge, the company can take advantage of it, without having to wait for an implementation of a single big and slow software vendor.

This means Linux and Linux partners are typically much faster to consistently deliver the tools needed to stay current with new hardware requirements and new technologies. In many cases, even a simple recompile will suffice.

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